Saturday, June 16, 2007


A cover for the head to keep it dry and warm.


All of my Todays said...

Arrr, how cute is he with his tiny hat on.

joanna said...

Oh, how cute!! Great shot :)

Katie said...

lmao dude. u are the best... i dont know what hat to do yet.

sharon said...


Bobs said...

Lololol!! This one has really brought a smile to my face! Fabulous. :)

Terry said...

Love the little hat, on the cool looking dude.

Anonymous said...

Aaaaw that is just the cutest photo... rofl :)

cookcreateread said...

now THAT is cute!!

Marjolein said...

O, this is too cute, lovely shot!

Angela said...

Aww, cute little hat on your fluffy friend :-)